Communications & Public Relations

The Office of Communications & Public Relations offers assistance to print, broadcast, and online media along with faculty and staff wishing to publicize information and events. Our staff can connect reporters with faculty experts, or provide guidance and assistance to promote faculty and staff accomplishments and events. For filming on campus, contact the Office of Special Events and Conference Services.

News Releases
Visit our Lincoln News & Events page to browse recent or archived Lincoln news releases or statements. The Lincoln News & Events page is administered by the Office of Information Technology.

Communicating with LU Stakeholders
Refer to the "Communicating with LU Stakeholders" spreadsheet to learn about the various ways to reach students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The spreadsheet is password protected and intended for use internally by current LU faculty, staff, and students. To get the password, please contact the Office of Communications. 

The last issue was summer 2023 and is temporarily suspended. The Office of Communications & Public Relations publishes the Lincoln Lion, a biannual magazine sent to alumni, and shared widely on campus.

Publications for Students
Student Wire is a daily email to undergraduate students containing University updates. Student Wire is administered by the Division of Student Success. 

The Lincolnian is an independent student-run online newspaper not affiliated with the Office of Communications & Public Relations.

Publications for Faculty and Staff
The primary way to send faculty and staff email communications is the Daily Bulletin. Daily Bulletin is a daily email containing University updates and is sent to all faculty and staff based on submissions received from faculty and staff.

For information aimed primarily at faculty, it is best to contact Academic Affairs to have an email sent to the all-faculty email list. If the announcement is also potentially relevant to staff, the same announcement can be included in the next Daily Bulletin; email the announcement to to have it included.

If you have an accomplishment that you would like to share, submit the Share Your Story form.


Office Address: Azikiwe-Nkrumah Hall Room 105

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